i just don't know why i was banned today... i'm playing on this server every day but today i was banned... maybe it's just a mistake can you check plz... thx
oh sorry...
[SIZE=10px]STEAM_0:0:1684882262[/SIZE] and steam number
i'm not using hacks man that's impossible... maybe it's just a mistake i don't know... i'm playing only on this server every day...
and what is that SMAC
maan plz help someone
You were banned for:
SMAC: Eye Angles Violation
It's an automatic console ban that automatically detects hacks.
Damn phone made me merge the wrong posts.
Do not double post, edit your previous post if necessary
yeah bro this is my first time i've been banned... joker said it is for cheating but i swear i'm not using hacks... maybe it is just a mistake... i'm sorry but plz unban me if there is any chance...
we cant help you if you lie.
i'm not lying bro... it's all on you... you can give me at least one chance because this is the first time that i get banned... but it's your choice you are the admin then do whatever you want... i just said plz give me another chance... it's all up to you...
can somebody give me a certain answer or not... i'm waiting for 3 hours already \\\
plzzzz unban meeee

You lied on your apeal

bro i didn't lyied it might be my little bro i didn't find anything... and ofc he says that he even didn't played today... what can i do
just please give me another chance... you can see i'm playing in wl servers almast the whole day
No, your account your responsibility.
man you didn't have a little 9 year old brother that's why you said such a thing... you will do everything for him just see him happy... you account your responsibility ok just fuck it... nevermind... bye all... i don't want to be unbanned my account my responsibility... have a good one