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Full Version: Tribal Ban Appeal
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my steam account is TRIBAL0322 and it was ban last night and i dont know why i got ban from all wl server here's what happen i brought my desktop to my brother in laws house to fix some minor probem his account name is POSIEDON and his ban from wl server because his son type some hacks so when my pc was fix i tested it so i log in on my account using his ip id and connect to 24/7 wl server it say im ban from this server so i was thinking that his ip id is also ban from this server so when i got home this morning i wanted to play so i connect to wl server with my own ip id and its says that im ban from this server i didnt do nothing wrong guys why would i get ban from this server i dont hack i dont have any history from banned servers i love playing on this server man so please help me out thanks
no idea what this was doing in a tf2 ban appeal thread.
To me, that sounds believable, but erm does wL ban by IP? IP and account name or what. Since if he was banned by using his brother in laws IP he should be able to play using his own IP.
Your story seems to check out.

Sorry for your trouble. Please wait until another admin is able to look into this.
Wow! i-spy made a real mess out of the logs. :eek:
M. Bison, post: 66691, member: 359 Wrote:Wow! i-spy made a real mess out of the logs. :eek:




Try to connect now, and tell your friend hes unbanned too but not his son's steam ID.
