In-game name: |2@j@T
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51685750
Server: (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Hey forum, i'm a regular player on (wL) servers, today i was playing on "24/7 dust2" and i got banned by admin "ramesh from india" reason "Spamming Mic/Chat" wich is maybe true, because i was talking to my teammates about the game using the mic, and you can also check my chat history if you want, i didnt say something bad or anything unwanted on the servers, in my opinion i dont
deserve a Permanent ban that's a little bit abused.
After all i apologize if i did something wrong, please give me a second chance, thank you.
indian banning indian for speaking in indian

lol here is the real rajat, i knew he was coming here
It is beyond me as to why you are spamming again after being banned like a million times already . I leave it to the roots to unban you , i dont have an issue either way .having said that , If u are unbanned , i request the Roots to perma gag and mute you as you hae no control over your spamming .
@guddu :
whilst i like nothing better than hear my national language spoken , This is an international server and to others our language is like grating nails on a black board.!
hey ARYA . Its the 1st time i got banned........
with my new steam account which i purchased... by online site .. !!
Im gonna have to disagree, theres nothing wrong with the various languages of India, Hindi etc, nothing sounds more like nails on a chalkboard to me than Burmese. I assume (dont kill me for assuming this) that Pashtun is pretty close to the main language of India.
I'd say thats also a bit of discrimination there, so if two chinese ppl were speaking Mandarin over the Mic you ban them?
Ramesh has been banning alot of ppl lately(mostly for the right reasons too), its not a permaban right? so just wait it out rajat.
Edit Nvm, it is a permaban.
Thats a bit harsh.......
Someone post up his ban record when he was nonsteam. If this is the only ban he has(highly unlikely) than ramesh is out of line.
Im not an admin note, i just give ppl i don't know the benefit of the doubt. If an admin posts up your previous sourcebans and its like 10 or something, then yeah, you deserve this. Even then, id probably advocate a 3 month ban or something,unless it was like extremely bad chat spam and like the whole server was telling u to stfu, then id say the most should be 3 or 6 months ban, i gotta see the record first though.
Personally, I like hearing russians speak on the server. Always think they're arranging a hit.
Anyway, ARYA still has a point. I'm okay with hearing you guys speak in your native language, but others might not. It's up to the discretion of the admin whether you're annoying the majority.
i respect to all people .... !!! all time no bad word use ...!!