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Full Version: Please let only Bison and admins post in this appeal
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JumbOlaya, post: 68031, member: 956 Wrote:First of all Drunk, follow the rules if you want to get unbanned. Go through the proper process so you can have a clear appeal thread in which relevant information of your ban can posted in.
Here I am.

Name: DK
Steam ID: Click here
Why do I want to get unbanned?: Well, I'm waiting to know the FULL/ENTIRE thing and if possible, get on the servers only, I just want to play and maybe get my friends I lost while I was an admin (Ex, PTK, CAS..).

I'm asking to get my apologies for my mistakes accepted, which weren't just a few, i know. But I just want to play, all I'm asking for. I've been here for a long time and everyone knows here's the only CS:S server I play on. I have 98 Days of game in here, I only want to play and as the reason says "[SIZE=10px]Misuse of admin[/SIZE]", I am here now as a regular, asking to be back and with no right on applying for admin, EVER AGAIN.

Please guys, let me at least play. I only go to school and play CS:S, I spend all afternoons and nights playing. I'm sorry for everything I've made or made any of you try to make me look good..
Firstly i would like to say i have nothing personal against you drunk cos we have hardly played together . Having said that i have never ever seen an admin who has been more chances than you . Firstly who said it was davids decision to ban you or strip away your admin status . Let me be clear it was not his first impulse and he wouldnt even consider it and frankly as you claim to have been on wl for a long period you would know that david never bans lightly or acts like a "Monarch" even though he and the roots are entitled to . For the record if it were upto me I would have stripped your admin status eons ago for the simple reason that when you have a disagreement with an admin you dont post it for the members to see , you take it to the admin section . You have been pardoned for hacking , abuse threads that had some merit ( IMO) , admin abuse ( banning people for servers where u are just another player slaying people with impunity ) , constantly bitching and moaning at other admins and ignoring policies . how much longer do you think people will "tolerate " you . Thankfully for you the decision to unban you is not upto me . As for david not responding to your steam messages , what is he ? - your butler . hell i have been here longer that you and have waited for over 4 days to get a reply from him as have countless other players . He is constantly working to optimize our servers and if he gets a few hours respite how would you like him to spend it , play on the servers he is busting his balls for or listen to you ?

PS : Deserve then Desire ....
I already talked to Bison ARYA. Also, I dont have nothing against you either, yet, all the times we talked on steam, we always had a great time (at least I think so), but if the ban is related while I was an admin, I think it would be enough taking my admin away, It's a lose, but nothing compared to be permanently banned from wL. This is my 2nd ban right? The first one was about a day I ran a hack on my laptop, which never happened again in wL and any other community. And now this one. I never released any info I got know in admin section, I tried as much as I could following the rules, but according to you; I didn't.

Quote:how much longer do you think people will "tolerate " you
As an admin? or as A player? If you say as admin and player, I think you really should get to know more about me and my friends, and then, confirm this.

To me what matters now is to get back on the servers, I dont really care about admin status, all I want. This is the reason I'm appealing, I don't mind to sit in spec, record and post on forum, so then, for those of you who thinks I'm a "Banning Machine" will see what I was doing.. But as I said before, all I'm asking is to get back on the servers.
DK, post: 68160, member: 3039 Wrote:This is the reason I'm appealing, I don't mind to sit in spec, record and post on forum, so then, for those of you who thinks I'm a "Banning Machine" will see what I was doing.. But as I said before, all I'm asking is to get back on the servers.

To be honest all the times I've played with Drunk I've only seen him ban a hand full of people.
General Josh, post: 68173, member: 946 Wrote:well one i can post in here, ahah.
Two, fuck it, the admins wont give me an answer to my earlier questions.(probably some kind of embarrassing reason that theyre too scared to own up to as to why DK got banned)
Three, Why does it have to be a perma-ban exactly? Ban this nerftard for 6 months or something, but to permanately kick him just seems wrong. Let him play, just never give him back his admin and reduce his points and stats to zero, that seems fair enough in my opinion.
Quit playing innocent Drunk, yes you've contributed to this community, and you built a new comp solely because of CS. Now you just have to pay the equivalent price in exchange for all that.
3-6 month Ban(go get a job, or write a book Drunk, do something useful) Eliminate all his Stats period, make him a 1k points noob again. Block him from the servers he was admin of, the Mini games i believe. Block him also from the snipers server(i heard there was complaints about him there). Never allow him to get Admin status at all period, ban him from the forum for a month on top of it(if you accept my offer of course admins). Then, make it so that he can only be connect to a wL server for only a certain amount of time per day, a sort of reintegration showing we dont trust him but are willing to try and build that trust again.
The only thing i want in return is you allow Drunk to play again on the servers, after going thru all of the above for the respective amounts of time of course.

Weren't you the one telling me yesterday that I kept ''answering'' for Bison? Well same goes for you, I think DK can answer himself.
General Josh, post: 68173, member: 946 Wrote:well one i can post in here, ahah.
Two, fuck it, the admins wont give me an answer to my earlier questions.(probably some kind of embarrassing reason that theyre too scared to own up to as to why DK got banned)
Three, Why does it have to be a perma-ban exactly? Ban this nerftard for 6 months or something, but to permanately kick him just seems wrong. Let him play, just never give him back his admin and reduce his points and stats to zero, that seems fair enough in my opinion.
Quit playing innocent Drunk, yes you've contributed to this community, and you built a new comp solely because of CS. Now you just have to pay the equivalent price in exchange for all that.
3-6 month Ban(go get a job, or write a book Drunk, do something useful) Eliminate all his Stats period, make him a 1k points noob again. Block him from the servers he was admin of, the Mini games i believe. Block him also from the snipers server(i heard there was complaints about him there). Never allow him to get Admin status at all period, ban him from the forum for a month on top of it(if you accept my offer of course admins). Then, make it so that he can only be connect to a wL server for only a certain amount of time per day, a sort of reintegration showing we dont trust him but are willing to try and build that trust again.
The only thing i want in return is you allow Drunk to play again on the servers, after going thru all of the above for the respective amounts of time of course.
General Josh please read this before you post again in any Ban Appeal: http://war-lords.net/threads/read-before...lines.838/

Consider this as your only warning, i.e. Do not post in this section unless an admin asks you too, actually have something to contribute respectfully, or you are appealing your own ban.
Josh, Bison opened up the appeals to the general public thinking that they could contribute positive opinions towards ban appeals. You are just exemplifying the reason why it should NOT be opened. For one, you are being obnoxious. And two you can't even respect what Drunk has listed as the title of the appeal. Just leave his thread alone.

Drunk, I hope your appeal ends in a positive note and that you go back to the kid who enjoyed the game before you got admin.
JumbOlaya, post: 68242, member: 956 Wrote:Drunk, I hope your appeal ends in a positive note and that you go back to the kid who enjoyed the game before you got admin.
I hope so too and I will be that drunk guy, at least I hope to, but only IF i get forgiven (so I'll be able to show you that), or as some of you would say; re-forgiven.

TO ALL: Threads are being made and I actually think it should stop, there are 2 other threads open about this entire situation, all I want is to play, but this decision is up to admins and root admins, so let them decide my ending now. Thanks, and I do appreciate the support some of you are giving me, and I actually comprehend some that are undecided or just want me out. Having said that I hope we all wait for the decision and let's keep the community/forum a place all can talk, with or without me. Please don't spam the forum about me.
