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Full Version: 8girls12cups Ban-related request
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username = 8girls12cups
steamid = STEAM_0:0:10140523
ban date = 07/13/2012

i got 1-week-banned for spam and will ride out the ban, but i had a request:

whenever any admin asks me to tone down or stop talking about butt secks, i comply. This time, apparently without any warning, and apparently days after i last connected, Anubis banned me for 1 week for spamming. I assume i was overdoing the butt secks; i hadn't been playing well lately and got a lot of good kills the last day i was on the server. But nobody said anything to me! I was excited and it's an exciting game!

respectfully, i'd like to ask y'all admins to either be consistent (some admins play along with the butt secks; others seem to really hate it), or to please give me a warning before banning me for a whole week. I know it's my fault for getting super overexcited, but after getting 900 zillion kills with a tmp and 1 health, you can't blame me for butt secksing it up a bit more than usual, right?

also: Anubis, forgive me if you *did* warn me and i simply didn't hear you. I have to always play with voice_enable = 0 or else my connection gets mega-spikes and eventually crashes my dsl modem. I assume that for serious things, admins would use chat or admin_say, but if you said something via mic, i didn't hear you and i wasn't deliberately ignoring you.
I've read in the rules that a non-admin is allowed to post here if they have relevant information, I do.
I doubt Anubis gave you a warning, he replied in a thread I created about you.

"whenever any admin asks me to tone down or stop talking about butt secks, i comply."
Yes, until they leave, then it's butt secks again. That's not exactly complying to what they mean.

I'd like to tell the admins, this 8girls12cups is not someone who learns. When his ban expires, he'll come back and say butt secks again. Maybe not as often, at first, but gradually he'll increase his rate of butt secks to as much as he can get away with. Every round, every 30 seconds, he includes it within other things he says that actually pertain to the game. Did you see that South Park episode where those aliens say 'marklar' in place of basically every noun? That's 8girls12cups except he says butt secks instead of marklar.

I've read in other threads where admins have mentioned asking him to stop, telling him to unbind his butt secks bind and reporting that he agreed to unbind it. If you look at his recent chat logs, it's obviously binded. Either he lied about unbinding it, or he rebinded it. Either way, he has no respect for the admins. He'll butt secks as much as he can, when an admin tells him to stop, he'll stop until they're gone. His transgression may be slight but you know that tolerating his behavior lets others know they're allowed to spam/troll in their own way.

If you look at his sourceban log
he's been banned for 'Reason !"but sex" before.
But just now he says he wants you to give him a verbal warning before banning him. Is a 1hr ban, and a week long ban not enough of a warning?

This is not the first time you get banned for this, and everytime you get banned we ask you to stop but you keep doing it, with or without warning the ban was justified and im sure you know that what you did was wrong, you really need to stop next time it will be 1 month ban or even more.
If you've gotten a warning for some particular action then expect to be banned right away the next time you do it.
You have clearly been made aware of the rules and have also received at least one ban for the exact same behavior prior to this incident. You can expect each ban to become increasingly longer.

The ban will expire within approximately 36 hours.