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Full Version: Rock the Vote system.
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Just a lil suggestion. When "RTV" is enabled, and the voting is done, instead of switching to the selected map right away, it should wait until the end of the round of the current map to switch.

I think when people RTV it's because they hate the current map. People who hate the current map probably feel that it can't change fast enough, why wait a round?

Cortex in that gif one of the CTs looks directly at the T =(
RTV = We suck so let's change the map as quick as we can.
DK, post: 68429, member: 3039 Wrote:RTV = We suck so let's change the map as quick as we can.
I'd just like to mention that in minigames we have a couple maps, eg. mg_bob_iii, that don't ever really finish without a rtv or admin switch... I think rtv works great as it is...
I agree with fuzzy[Image: C:\Users\Haocheng\AppData\Local\Microsof...6a7%5B1%5D.gif]
I did get Platform's point, but RTV = we suck and we want to frag, so lets move fast to other map, before we get noob'd and mad at random deaths..