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Full Version: Can i get Unbanned?
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Name: [SIZE=11px]Xx3dGard0xX [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]Steam ID: [/SIZE][SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:1:38696413[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]Banned Reason: Eye angles violation(Something like that idk the full name) [/SIZE]

I got banned like between 3-6 months ago i dont remember very well, mm now im posting this because im really sorry and i want to get unbanned to get some fun, you will see that was my mistake a real mistake because i posted like 3 months ago saying that i hacked, but not really because i explain that i use that hack with the bots to practice and accidentaly i enter the Wl server and kicked instantly, that was my mistake, i didnt want to hack for real, idk if u think im lying but i admit that i hacked but was my error, dont close the hack before enter the server, but i leave to your decide idk what more to do to get unbanned, well i think thats all. Thanks if u reply

Buy a new copy of CS:S if you want to play on our servers again.
i have no money im still stuying :/ and thats quite unfair u dont think so? Didnt close hack before enter server :/ and i got banned perm. and others get unbanned with a full history Sad Nvm
Server MOTD clearly states that any cheating is not tolerated on our servers. Your account is your responsibility.
lin3ar, post: 68836, member: 795 Wrote:Server MOTD clearly states that any cheating is not tolerated on our servers. Your account is your responsibility.

Yes thats what i trying to say i didnt want to cheat i used the hack to practice with bots and didnt close it before enter the server. Idk what is the hard thing to understand
Xx3dGard0xX, post: 68838, member: 11410 Wrote:Yes thats what i trying to say i didnt want to cheat i used the hack to practice with bots and didnt close it before enter the server. Idk what is the hard thing to understand