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I want to help this server in keeping the game cheat free for every one but it is hard to report some one when you can not make a legit demo...please make the commands to spectate some one at any time readily available, so I can give you guys the complete demo you are looking for..."you do not have access to this command" just makes me..."q.q"
Which command isn't working ?

You could just simply spectate the person you think is hacking, go to console and type ''record <nameofdemo>'' and type ''stop'' to stop. There's a guide in the hacker abuse sub-forum for more information. I'm not sure what you mean by ''you can not make a legit demo''... yes you can.
!spec player for one, there are a couple console commands that I don't remember off the top of me head...I don't want to record anything if I have to keep stopping my demo to find the player again (kinda seems pointless) from what I have seen via demo reports... it is the same thing for a few other people..
How is it pointless ? It's really quite simple. Start the recording when the player is alive, stop it when he is dead. If you think that the evidence you have gathered is not sufficient, repeat (the next recordings must have a slightly different title however or else the previous demo will be replaced by the new one).
I realize that but if you compile 15 demo's of a person who just keeps dieing every round.... who is going to download that and look at it. (seriously)
You are not helping my problem Ced.
Your only problem is how stubborn you are. Only 2 or 3 demos are generally sufficient to determine whether a player is hacking or not. You could also just record more than that, and only share the ones you think demonstrate clear evidence of hacking.
I have reported a few "incomplete" demo's to no avail...really? ffs. The proof isn't the same if you have to switch between players you miss important factors like how long the person takes to buy verses how long he registers a player on radar (same team or not)...my god...I m new in thirteen days it will be two weeks for me, to day is my first day.
You have to watch the guy for a few rounds be for you know he is legit...and a demo to show that would be nice.
Why would you have to switch between players when recording a demo ?
because if you cant auto spec him at the start of the round....( I have no control over who I spec at the start of each round I would like that to be changed) w/e talking to a wall with you.
Wait, what ?

left click and right click when you're a spectator to switch between players. Once you're spectating the player you think is hacking, start the demo.
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