Aug 05 2012, 01:30 AM
Name: pRoOx
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1449166945
Server: (wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET
You have been baned... because?
Length: Permanent
reason: SMAC Eye Angles Violation
SMAC Eye Angles Violation??
M. Bison can eliminate the permanent ban, I do not know because I have permanent ban. I hate to use hack or something, and I do not know why I banearon. please Ban appeal M. Bison.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1449166945
Server: (wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET
You have been baned... because?
Length: Permanent

reason: SMAC Eye Angles Violation
SMAC Eye Angles Violation??
M. Bison can eliminate the permanent ban, I do not know because I have permanent ban. I hate to use hack or something, and I do not know why I banearon. please Ban appeal M. Bison.