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Full Version: Private Pyleshy
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*DEAD* blackSheep408 : big dick black man
*DEAD* freddieshreddie : thx dude
Lambo killed WhiteRabbit_*TR* with awp.
*DEAD* BISU : big dick china
*DEAD* ʢʱʶᵒᵑꜟᶝ the Hedgehog : yo
*DEAD* ʢʱʶᵒᵑꜟᶝ the Hedgehog : i gotta
*DEAD* blackSheep408 : obv ur retarded
Truff Truff killed chemical tanker with ak47.
*DEAD* Private Pyleshy : Solid Cock Nigger

"Private Pyleshy" STEAM_0:1:52393762

Self explanatory

24/7 office server
I see only one instance of this racial slur. If I was in the server when it happened I would have warned him prior to taking further action.
If you see him continue to act in this manner please let us know and we will proceed.
Thank you for the report.