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Full Version: A Bot? [RESOLVED]
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Really? We need one of those hanging around the pop maps server? So, when the server is 39/40 filled, a real human can't join, it appears. That's cool.
lol, I just about to make this thread, but I refreshed my browser and saw this thread, hehe. Yeah, that bot took my slot man, I'm so mad right now Sad
lol a bot would be cool, easier points! but yeah the whole slot thing would be annoying. The pop maps server is usually pretty packed so ....
No russian Android likes meh im the one that makes mods for him xP
He's an evil bot. He decided to take over the server. :eek:
M. Bison, post: 71531, member: 359 Wrote:He's an evil bot. He decided to take over the server. :eek:
This is why i come to War-lords
M. Bison, post: 71531, member: 359 Wrote:He's an evil bot. He decided to take over the server. :eek:
That bot is called Skynet is a self-aware artificial intelligence system, and bison is the only one to stop him but Skynet will send bots from the future to the past to terminate/assassinate Bison before he is born :eek:
You guys don't get it. That bot is Bison. Yes, Bison is a bot, it's obvious.
Idk I saw Bison sitting down with the bots today he bribed me to keep it a secret oops I wasnt supposed to tell anyone my bad Bison. :p
Assassin, post: 71597, member: 2398 Wrote:Idk I saw Bison sitting down with the bots today he bribed me to keep it a secret oops I wasnt supposed to tell anyone my bad Bison. :p
Traitor! :mad:

Hasta la vista, bot!