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Full Version: VOTEBAN for Counter Strike Source Server
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We need to be able to VOTEBAN the hackers in your server when there are no admins around.
There seems to be a hacker every game, mostly players from Russia it seems.
I've logged onto your TeamSpeak server but nobody is there to help.
If no VoteBan, then i request getting kicking ability to at least control the hackers.

Thanks,  Snippy
lol i got your message on teamspeak, but i was away. we'll see about implementing some sort of votekick or ban functions.
Please give me admin in the CSS server, there is a HACKER almost EVERY MAP !
nobody there to boot them, altho one guy was there for one map who said that he has admin now.
but havnt seen him for hours.

HAXHAX is in here right now,  32 kills 0 deaths, everyone pissed off!

I've come to the conclusion most players cannot distinguish hacker from skill very well. I saw a group of 10 or so people attempt to voteban/votekick a legitimate player though I had not implemented the function. This means I'll probably not go about implementing voteban though I will be increasing the amount of admins drastically to compensate for the influx of hackers.
I agree with bison, and most people just vote 1 for anything you ask them.
Agreed: I discourage voteban, regardless of the punishment time.
Edit all the vote stuff and make Vote 1 either - Or I throw away my vote, make vote 2 no, and vote 3 yes =D
i like how there was a whole month of pointless agreeing posts!

this was answered by bison, locking....