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Name: RiG-Th!S
ID: STEAM_0:0:341879
Age: 26
Time Zone: Mountain Standard
Availability: Randomly more then others.
Tell us something about yourself: I have been around. This isn't my first circus...
Reason for Admin Application: /
Servers: Popular/Scrim.
That is a guy who deserves to get admin, since the admins from pop maps now play only on Office, this guy would make things for pop maps..

+1, you deserver bro.
Thanks for the good words DK and Botwalkie for liking

Thanks Devi I figured that was pretty self explanatory : /
Thanks Alicia
LOL for the reason for admin application alone rig you deserve it, awesome guy REALLY deserves admin, good luck man.. oh and : /
good LucK
Played with you a couple of times and you seem like a nice, decent guy! Good player too Smile! Good luck my fellow applicant!
A very solid choice for admin for sure.... Good luck BraH
Thanks fella's.

I can make a difference...I am sure of that.