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Full Version: Sassy Baker's Scrim Application
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Name: Sassy Baker
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:51396856
Age: 15 turning 16 soon
Timezone: UTC + 9 hours, Japan
Availability: usually from 7-10 pm
Tell us something about yourself: I like to play sports like soccer and swimming. I also enjoy playing bb gun fights w/ my friends. And I've been playing CSS for almost a year now Smile .
Reason For Admin Application: I would like to start scrims w/ my friends myself, so there wouldnt be any need to call a admin to start it for us. And of course i wouldnt mind starting scrims for other pplz .
-Sassy Baker
I know this guy in real life. Decent kid. Very level headed. Responsible. Think he could be a help in the scrim server. He's also fairly known to the scrim crowd.
Thx Izzie Smile
Good Luck
Good Luck Sassy!
Ty, And good luck to u too Tina