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Name: Neyo
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:30611686
Age: 16
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Availability: (10:00 AM - 1:30 AM week day's)(AllDay - weekend)
Tell us something about yourself: I am 16 years old, i am from "Florida" and i enjoy playing games such as CSS : )
Reason For Admin Application: I think i would be a good admin because i understand the rules, i have lots of experience at being an admin, im on all the time, no one really hates me and i am an awsome person!
i havent played all the servers becausei dont have CS:GO YET !
but i have played on th CSS servers and are all FAVS!

I can lend lots of time for the forums and be their for what ever goes down between hackers - racism - threats - Mean people - dirty comments towerds making the game play less fun for people "I will be their to take care of it : )"
good luck bro.
you are funny.
Good Luck. I see you in Mg alot.

You have almost 4 days of gameplayed. According to admin app guidelines, a player needs at least 5 days... GL
Is this the same Neyo I had to mute several days ago for mic spamming and racism?
Your chat logs are rather immature. And the choice of colors for your text.... 0.O
i never got muted and being funny n being immature are 2 diffrent things i can be funny but i know when to get srs, and i dont recall ever being racist on the server or ANY servers actully.
If you want to report people for their actions, do it here: http://war-lords.net/categories/hacking-...ports.248/. Don't wait until they make an admin application and then proceed to bash them on it, on their application. This is your only warning.

All posts doing so, will be removed. (Current wL admins will be excluded)
Neyo, post: 74151, member: 15237 Wrote:i never got muted and being funny n being immature are 2 diffrent things i can be funny but i know when to get srs, and i dont recall ever being racist on the server or ANY servers actully.
You seem to be the guy I'm thinking of. Unless I glitched it by muting you temporarily first, you should be in the 3rd or 4th day of your 1wk mute. Besides spamming your mic, there were one or two clear instances of you saying the N-word on your mic that day. I know you and Narnia were kidding around, but you've both seen enough warnings to have known better.
That said, I believe you've gotten the point, and I'll lift your mute the next time I catch you in game. If you'd to talk nonstop with friends ingame, try opening a Skype or Steam call. Humor is better enjoyed with those who appreciate it.
Thanks for cleaning up this mess Mod. Cheers.
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 74183, member: 9457 Wrote:You seem to be the guy I'm thinking of. Unless I glitched it by muting you temporarily first, you should be in the 3rd or 4th day of your 1wk mute. Besides spamming your mic, there were one or two clear instances of you saying the N-word on your mic that day. I know you and Narnia were kidding around, but you've both seen enough warnings to have known better.
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 74183, member: 9457 Wrote:That said, I believe you've gotten the point, and I'll lift your mute the next time I catch you in game. If you'd to talk nonstop with friends ingame, try opening a Skype or Steam call. Humor is better enjoyed with those who appreciate it.
Thanks for cleaning up this mess Mod. Cheers.
Neyo - Na i dont recall "EVER" being muted even for 5 mins let alone 1 week and i dont remember "EVER" being "WARND" to not do somthing, sure i say stuff like sh**,f***.....lalala......but "NEVER" have i ben muted in a (wL) server, not to be mean but unless you can find me proof that iv ben muted or being warnd for anything ima just guss you got the wroung person.
What am I reading?
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