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[INDENT=1]Name: Fuzzy Pootie Tiger
Steam ID : _0:0:47897521
Age: 18
Timezone: Pst-
Availability: On mostly about 6-9hrs a day
Tell us something about yourself: I love cooking food and playing css all day. I am currently a chef now i was a owner of my own lawn company until the seasonal work has changed. I can be very strict about policys and i have OCD so if it bothers me it does.
Reason For Admin Application: the reason i am applying for admin is due to the lack of admin to be on at all times and ecspecially on MG servers. I play there only and dont have any other servers (i know lame) but i use my time wisely and watch people like hawks. I honestly hate coming on every day or 2 to post a player abuse.[/INDENT]
Thanks for taking time to read
Good Luck
Thanks, Some kids posted a huge flaming post on my first admin request because i submitted a video demo of one of them singing and there so mad. If Yuuki, Mindgames, or anyone else posts on here for a flaming thread i do hope a admin will be banning you. Thanks all who support me and those who do not (if you do not its fine we all got h8er's just make sure what your hating on is not just rules and regulations if you have a problem with those please contact a admin.
A friendly word of advice: try to get along more with the other players and not take misdemeanors or insults personally.
It's nice that you want to help enforce server rules, but friendly reminders and requests achieve much better results than agitated demands.
That said, good luck!
See ya ingame.
Didnt you already put up an admin application earlier?
oh and goodluck.

Oh and try not to get so disliked by most of the members in mg, your gonna need asmuch of them to like you more!
Yeah i did before and it was not people un liking me it the fact i understand the rules and follow the rules and people got upset that they dont and i record videos of them so
gl broski.
Thanks Man,