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Full Version: Ban Appeal - Ma0kai[jch] [APPROVED]
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IGN: Ma0kai[jch]
server: warlords scrim server 1

I went on sourcescrim a few days ago for a 5v5 and couldn't get out of spectate when I joined your server because it said i was banned. The source ban says ban evasion but i honestly don't believe I've played on your servers more than several times if any because I'm pretty far east coast and high ping makes me qq. Someone said I was esea banned so here is my link to my profile http://play.esea.net/users/438005?tab=history . I have two esea profiles the one named Ma0kai being the one i use now. I have two because when i bought my graphics card geforce gts 450 it came with 3 months of esea free in a promotional code on the box, to redeem it because i already had an account I had to make a new one. http://play.esea.net/users/384237 . This is the account i started with had for about 3 years. On both profiles u can click the history tab and see that I've never been banned for anything on either of them in the course of about 4 years combined. I really have no idea why I'm banned but I'd like to get unbanned so I can do some 10mans or scrims on that server posted above.

Does that account belong to you?

Anyway wait for an root admin to respond.
My only esea accounts are the ones I posted.

Edit: Did you ask because of the jch in my name is close to his old name?
The jch in my name is my boyfriends initials, the female team I just joined most of them have their boyfriends initials in their name. My boyfriend doesn't have esea he plays source maybe once every 3 months.
Sorry. Drax told me to handle it, but I moved after I talked to bison. Living out of my car for a few more days so I don't have reliable Internet to deal with the situation.

Anyways yeah. Your ban originated off the ESEA ban list, wait for Bison to respond.
I promise I've never been esea banned. :<
The following account is ESEA banned and appears to be related to you in someway: http://steamcommunity.com/id/12020598/
That's the esea profile the other guy linked, same person, not mine. I'm not even a male none of the info is correct there, that guy supposedly got banned from esea for shit talking lpkane years ago he was my good friend thats the only way its linked to me. Me and him are not friends anymore because i trusted him with personal info about me that he told his friend. I feel like you're trying to pull some far fetched strings together because you're realizing that I was banned for nothing. You can legit-proof me and see that I've done a few seasons of league no violations, google my steam id if you haven't already. Not sure what else I can say to prove my case.
Hmm if I'm not mistaken, if a person were to get banned manually by lpkane, it would be under Malicious Activity.. not Cheating. Not sure though.
Yes that's correct. That's how he does it now but I think years ago it was easier to ban for cheating. I never gave any credit to his story that's just what he told me.
Ally, post: 74302, member: 15239 Wrote:I feel like you're trying to pull some far fetched strings together because you're realizing that I was banned for nothing.

This isn't some big conspiracy to keep you banned. We deal with unban requests every day and are only trying to get to the truth.
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