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Full Version: Intro from le me!!
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Hey all!

I'm fairly new to this game, haven't been playing for 2 long! Maybe like a week or so, but these servers are pretty fun to play!
Uhm...games I played before are Barbie: Magical Dream Wedding and My Little Zombie Pony: Part 25.
I hope this forum will bring us all lots of fun, and blablablablabla....

Btw I heard about this superb player, Fuzzy Izzie Bear?!?! He for real?

Greeets Wink!

Yay Joggie your onnn now!!!
shaaadoooows! he shadows.. you finally joined the forums.
Welcome to war-lords community and enjoy your stay here.

btw, fuzzy izzie bear is just a noob:p
Welcome to the forum.
Yes there is a player called izzie hes bad Smile
Thx guys! I sure will enjoy my stay Smile!
And Tina taking out 2 kitties?!
Fuzzy Joggie Pony, post: 75097, member: 15273 Wrote:Thx guys! I sure will enjoy my stay Smile!
And Tina taking out 2 kitties?!
Lol Well... Atleast they arent ponies.
NoBoss, post: 75098, member: 11847 Wrote:Lol Well... Atleast they arent ponies.

That comforts meBig Grin!
im Fuzzy pootie tiger but i cant change my wl server name ugh
Sup fellow Belgian. Smile

Past op voor dieje Hostage, das ne metteko. :p
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