Sep 27 2012, 03:01 PM
Name: Fuzzy Izzie Bear
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:51116636
Age: 27
Timezone: Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00)
Availability: I work weekends and evenings, so most week days till 5pm, and other random times.
Tell us something about yourself: I once ate a garden snake. It was tough and very bland.
Reason For Full Admin Application: I think I've matured and learnt a lot through admining minigames, and would like to help staff the other servers I play on. Especially since I'm often on at weird times.
Edit: lol, oops. I used the title box as copy and paste space, and forgot to change it. Could someone change it to "Izzie (regular admin)"
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:51116636
Age: 27
Timezone: Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00)
Availability: I work weekends and evenings, so most week days till 5pm, and other random times.
Tell us something about yourself: I once ate a garden snake. It was tough and very bland.
Reason For Full Admin Application: I think I've matured and learnt a lot through admining minigames, and would like to help staff the other servers I play on. Especially since I'm often on at weird times.
Edit: lol, oops. I used the title box as copy and paste space, and forgot to change it. Could someone change it to "Izzie (regular admin)"