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Full Version: FSU guys [Ban request] [Resolved]
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How long was this going on and did anyone warn them or ask them to stop?
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 76299, member: 9457 Wrote:How long was this going on and did anyone warn them or ask them to stop?
If the other demo worked, it'll show that, they were doing it and stopping, then re-doing it etc... Also, I think the best ending for this is to get to put him on your "watch list'' in case you see them.
Message an Admin next time they are on so we can jump on and take a look. Teamchat "@ message goes here"
BOTWALKIE, post: 76409, member: 15037 Wrote:Message an Admin next time they are on so we can jump on and take a look. Teamchat "@ message goes here"
I was an admin already...

Well make the call then, if its deserved or not. ill take a look later tonight after work.
BOTWALKIE, post: 76452, member: 15037 Wrote:Woops nm, JUSSTTT KIDDDINNGGG!

Well make the call then, if its deserved or not. ill take a look later tonight after work.
Haha, it's all good Smile. Add him to the "watch list" and dont forget to warn him in game Wink