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Full Version: Tomix's Admin Application
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Name: Tomix <3 Madelaine

Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:44383072

Age: 15

Timezone: CDT UTC-5

Availability: Weekdays (3:00 PM To 8:00 PM) ; Weekends ( 1:00PM To 9:00 PM)

Tell us something about yourself: I joined wL near December 2010 and know most of the regulars who play on wL. I play mainly in the scrim server for fun and if not im playing in MGs, Snipers and Deathmatch for improving aim . I really like ponies also the games i play are CS:S, Diablo 2 and a few MMORPGS. I'm still in school working hard to become a doctor someday. In sports i usually play Basketball, Table Tennis, soccer for me is not good but i always try as much as i could. I'm quiet most of the times you can see i hardly use the chatbox, unless i get a hi or some sort of thing.

Reason For Admin Application: I want to make a better place for newcomers like i was before and a great experience for everyone who plays in it. I mostly see racism comments in the servers, mic spamming, ignoring objectives especially when camping and surfing all the day in ski and lack of knowledge to call someone a cheater. I hardly see cheaters in the server because CONSOLE bans them before admins can even type. I will be glad to take this position and to do a good work like others have done.

+1, Nice guy, and I'm sure he'll be an awesome admin.

Like DK said, nice guy, always friendly, good player. He would make a great admin!
+1 you got my vote tomix
Good Luck man! Great player and love to see him an admin
Good luck man, hope you get admin you deserve it.
Good luck Smile
Good luck and best wishes on your admin app! Wink

Sako, that pic... haha
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