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Names: highcrimes and lytic_fluid
Server: Popular Maps #2
Evidence: http://www.mediafire.com/?ax0buawysnwd13r

I don't mind shit talking in the server, but when it becomes a targeted personal attack that people try and rally others together to ostracize someone, then I take issue.

Anyway, the screenshots show the sprays they were using. They photoshopped Freak's face and started spraying it around the server calling him "pacifier face". Highcrimes started the whole thing then lytic_fluid chimed in.

Later they were trying to get other people in the server to harass him after he left (see the demo).

As far as highcrimes is concerned, he's hated on me before about being bisexual and this isn't the first time this spray of his has been sprayed around the server (I saw it a couple of months back). It's clear it's gone beyond friendly jest. I used to have respect for him, but I guess he's different than I thought. Sad
I was pretty much there during what leo is refering to, yeah they were bullying Freak to put it mildly. Im sure when they see this thread they'll hate me and leo but thats okay, just shows how pathetic they both are.
It started with a bit of comments on Freak's name not even registering on the scoreboard, and then they just basically started incessantly insulting him over their microphones. That pretty much what that demo of leo's is there.
xG Freak?
drunk killer: semi-professional counter strike source detective
ceddeeoo, post: 76941, member: 9052 Wrote:drunk killer: semi-professional counter strike source detective
00124 - dial that ;P
Yes, Joker xG Freak.
How long were you there for before they started trolling? Did they instigate it?

xG Freak has a habit of mouthing off and trolling other players as well.
omg , i khow this guy Freak.
Lets see what happens on this. I was in Pop2 and someone was trying to troll me some Lady something, but either way I gave them there chance and they almost blew it by still talking mad shit to me.

Anyways, I dont like trolls and dont put up with shit. Was this all over voice chat?
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