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maybe we should get a poll for what type of server to change the pistol.

The link that DK posted is the poll Big Grin
We are planning to get many more servers up, the back end is just taking us a bit longer than expected. We're having a few problems with our new boxes performance wise allowing them to handle the amount of players we want. The first new one went fine with the overclock and didn't overheat at all, but it seems on the second box they used a much cheaper heatsink.

I'm sure some of you know that SRCDS is heavily single threaded and doesn't do too well with multi-core CPU's, so it greatly benefits from high clocked CPU's. Which we need to run servers at 40 slots or higher, like Office and Dust2.
we talked about this a lot.
^ you can find many of your questions answered already here.

but as an individual, i am in absolute favor of GunGame.
maybe ill return to CSS when there is Gungame server. because Gun Game is very fun.
other than that,
back to exile in Dishonored...
Yuuki <3, post: 77405, member: 8153' Wrote:maybe ill return to CSS when there is Gungame server. because Gun Game is very fun.
other than that,
back to exile in Dishonored...
How about coming back for me?Rolleyes
i will, soon,
ill buy legit copy first
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