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Full Version: Unban me please!
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Name: (Bright Star)
SteamID: ([SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:0:1673686531[/SIZE])
Server: (de_dust2 death match)

I was just curious in using these tools so i downloaded a tool called pro7 i think i swear i don't even know what it does and i still don't i was just curious.... so please unban me, i swear i wont use it again, i really like this server. Smile
Probably not getting unbanned, wait for a root admin to respond.

You only posted half of your steam id, heres the full one:
ok thanks... im a noob i dont even know what the steam id is, i got it from a server that i was connected to xD

Unless you suffer from an advanced form of dyslexia (which your previous post disproves), I highly doubt you had no idea what Project7 is when its download sources clearly state "CS:S hacks."