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Full Version: Reptars HDK application
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Name: Reptar

Steam id: STEAM_0:0:38597586

Age : 16


Occupation: Archetecual engineering school

Country or State of Residence: United States of America

Hours of Availability: Weekdays 3-5 hours Weekends 6-10 hours

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?:no

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: In the future i would like to, once im finished with some personal prodjects and have made HDK.

Previous Counterstrike Experience: 300-400 hours
heres your steam id STEAM_0:0:38597586
you may now wear the LDK tag
you spelled architectural wrong i believe?
Good Luck
Good luck man!
I wondered what if i apply for hdk : D
Cosmo, You would have to get a Steam CS:S Copy, and then they would accept you. In 2 days, not weeks.
Don't worry, I have 6 bans, all from different admins. It is always a good start. Big Grin
btw, if i become admin within 6 bans. LOL
DK, Get a fucking life man. Srsly. Go do something useful.
pTK, post: 78829, member: 2725 Wrote:DK, Get a fucking life man. Srsly. Go do something useful.
Seems like you got mad..
You realize it was appealed because it i was mistaken for someone else right?
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