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Pages: 1 2
Quote:truths, pure truths.
« Last Edit: Today at 08:22:37 PM by Leaky »

Lol i wanna know what it said before leaky edited it -.-
Leaky Wrote:
EternalReaper Wrote:
Leaky Wrote:
naive Wrote:Lol, this thread was posted shortly after i fell asleep.

who gave you permission to sleep?

Every web forum has that one special (retarded) person on it... I think you qualify.  ;D

but, if i'm the smartest person on the board, and i'm retarded.. what does that make the rest of you?

Depends on what you consider "smart".  ;D
EternalReaper Wrote:
Leaky Wrote:
EternalReaper Wrote:
Leaky Wrote:
naive Wrote:Lol, this thread was posted shortly after i fell asleep.

who gave you permission to sleep?

Every web forum has that one special (retarded) person on it... I think you qualify.  ;D

but, if i'm the smartest person on the board, and i'm retarded.. what does that make the rest of you?

Depends on what you consider "smart".  ;D

Smile an IQ over 150, a well paying job as a senior software engineer (before age 20) without any college education, testing out of high school junior year.

for starters.

Leaky Wrote:
EternalReaper Wrote:
Leaky Wrote:
EternalReaper Wrote:
Leaky Wrote:
naive Wrote:Lol, this thread was posted shortly after i fell asleep.

who gave you permission to sleep?

Every web forum has that one special (retarded) person on it... I think you qualify.  ;D

but, if i'm the smartest person on the board, and i'm retarded.. what does that make the rest of you?

Depends on what you consider "smart".  ;D

Smile an IQ over 150, a well paying job as a senior software engineer (before age 20) without any college education, testing out of high school junior year.

for starters.

I disagree. Someone with an IQ over 150 would be considered highly intelligent, not smart. Someone can have an IQ of 180 but still be ignorant.
closing topic. Smile admin applications are being accepted, no longer need this topic to be open.
Pages: 1 2