Nov 08 2012, 04:13 AM
Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: Narnia
This player no longer deserves to speak in the warlord community. I will be recording him constantly over the next several weeks as I have been for a while now if he continues to play in the servers. His disrespect for players and admins alike are just idiotic at best. It is insulting and aggravating joining a server and listening to him call me a faggot for hours. Begin at tick 27000 to see the altercation between him and ptk where he shows little to no regard of respect for anyone. He either needs a ban or perma gag/mute. Yes, he was banned in the video, but an hour ban does not justify this. Numerous people have had problems with him in the past, I am the only one speaking up with proof..
Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: Deputy
Evidence: <- (This is the same vid as the one above.)
For the first 10000 ticks he repeats the phrase, "James has vaginal aids.". I have no problem with that, people are assholes. But spamming is not something I condone. Please issue at least a weeks gag if not more for the spam. Thank you.
Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: Narnia
This player no longer deserves to speak in the warlord community. I will be recording him constantly over the next several weeks as I have been for a while now if he continues to play in the servers. His disrespect for players and admins alike are just idiotic at best. It is insulting and aggravating joining a server and listening to him call me a faggot for hours. Begin at tick 27000 to see the altercation between him and ptk where he shows little to no regard of respect for anyone. He either needs a ban or perma gag/mute. Yes, he was banned in the video, but an hour ban does not justify this. Numerous people have had problems with him in the past, I am the only one speaking up with proof..
Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: Deputy
Evidence: <- (This is the same vid as the one above.)
For the first 10000 ticks he repeats the phrase, "James has vaginal aids.". I have no problem with that, people are assholes. But spamming is not something I condone. Please issue at least a weeks gag if not more for the spam. Thank you.