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Full Version: James - Admin App - MiniGames/Pop maps #2
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It wasn't that fast tina. About 2 weeks lol.
James`, post: 79562, member: 15260 Wrote:It wasn't that fast tina. About 2 weeks lol.
2 weeks is fast to me IMO.
Good luck!
Good Luck Baddie!
Can anyone add 24/7 Office on to the list of things I am applying for? Here is the deal guys. Would you like for me to provide evidence of the fact that I am on when no other admins are on and I am on consistently every day during the week? Cause I can. I will if I have to. These kids run rampant with their spamming and hacking. Hacking I don't have a problem with because it is easy to deal with. You can just record and get them banned. Spamming on the other hand has to be dealt with than and there because it is aggravating to the players. That and the fact that it takes more than a day sometimes for any admins to take a look at the ban requests. We players are the ones having to put up with the shit.
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