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Full Version: Muted for no reason on dust 2 DM
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General Yang was crying as always, and I asked him why he was mad. He started throwing a cute little hissy fit and Riser muted me.

This isn't so much a problem with the mute (it's probably over by now), but the fact that we let Yang get his way. Just because someone is offended by something doesn't mean it's actually offensive.

This guy has been playing on these servers for probably about a year now and all he has done from day one is bitch and moan any time someone kills him. Kill him with the awp, he'll cry and say you should use the scout. Kill him with the scout, he'll cry and say you should use a rifle. Kill him with an AK, and he'll cry and say you should use etc. etc. etc. You get the point.

Why don't we just ban this guy, honestly? Or at LEAST mute him for a while. 12 year olds play this game and are good sports about it. Just go on the minigames server and you will see. Fuck, I'm 21 and I have to admit I rage at this game pretty hard sometimes. But he just takes it way too far and I don't see why people give in to his bullshit. Please mute or ban his ass, at least until he stops raging.
Yeah, cuz someone asked, "how do you voteban", and i replied thru my mic because alltalk is finally on, i told him to type voteban in chat, and then you started mocking me. You been doing this the whole day to everyone whose been using the mic i clearly stated over the mic when Riser was on what was the problem, and he muted you for 30 minutes, he then told me to stop, and i did, and in turn we both left the server. Quit being butthurt about something you know you were doing, and um i've been permagagged for almost 3 weeks now so how can i have been complaining about anything?
He's perma gagged, after me muting you.. he stopped using voice chat for a bit from what i recall.

I get Yangs annoying, but thats not a reason to troll him(by continuously saying why you mad).
Thank you Riser.
If he's permagagged, then how is he talking on the mic? And yeah, he was trolled. That doesn't mean I was trolling. I mean I don't see the point of letting him play if he's going to be disruptive and get offended by anything and everything. He doesn't even enjoy the game. It just makes him mad.
number9, post: 79603, member: 15077 Wrote:If he's permagagged, then how is he talking on the mic? And yeah, he was trolled. That doesn't mean I was trolling. I mean I don't see the point of letting him play if he's going to be disruptive and get offended by anything and everything. He doesn't even enjoy the game. It just makes him mad.
To get a player fully disabled to use mic/chat the tern is Silenced.
Gagged = Not being able to type in Chat.
Muted = Everything including not being able to use a mic.
I even explained to Bison last night why i don't use a mic in the Dm. Yet when i do on occasion like talking to friends or telling someone to type "guns" in chat or what not, i dont wanna get mocked by you, okay? The Only thing i did on the mic this morning was tell Brian The Minecraft Doctor(center of the universe jerk) to shut up cuz all that guy does is come on and be confrontational. Bison Muted him last night, and he came back and today and was attempting the same shit, and randomly votekicking/votebanning the couple of players that were talking over the mic (i.e Number9 and this British Guy with a Generic Nonsteam.ro name) eventhough they weren't talking about him at all. Other than that i was talking to Sakuya a little this morning but nothing more than just friendly rivalry chat. As i recall, whenever i said damnit into my microphone (twice) Number9 there took it upon himself to mock me over his mic. My response was to tell him to shut up cuz hes bad.
Two, why you make a small 30 minute mute into such a big deal dude, what is your problem? You've only been on the server for two weeks(as i recall in your session stats) yet you seem to know so much about me, and hate me, though i never really talked to you at all, since i haven't been able to say anything in chat for over three weeks, and barely use my mic. Why would i be banned, i didn't do anything against the rules. Bison already personally settle the previous incident with the indefinite permagag as because most of my infringements were in the chat box. Yet i don't get why you wanna go to the extreme of asking for me to be banned though; one, i dont know who you are and have never done anything to you per say, two because i haven't really violated any rules(unless you consider telling a whiney 12 yearold to shut up in the chatbox and calling an admins to come do their job as they're supposed to(which they have)) as violations.
Just to clear this up. It's not an admins JOB persay to mute,kick, gag, ban, etc. It's a task they are allowed to do if it is completely necessary. They don't get minimum wage for catching hackers, trollers, and spammers. They do it for the server and community. JUST SAYING. But no, I had a problem with josh when I returned to war-lords after my 9 to 10 month break but I ain't gots a problem with him now.
Thanks James.
I just can't understand why this guy made a small 30 minute mute such a freackin big deal??
Because when someone can't talk shit in a game they need to step it up a level and bring it to the forums.
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