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It's an AMX plugin, we can only use plugins for SourceMod Sad. I've tried looking for one for sourcemod but I can't seem to find any.
Oops didnt notice that lol. I'll keep looking...

K Matt, how about this?


(for sourcemod lol)
This may work
Good, this may be very useful
xFerior Wrote:Good, this may be very useful
I don't care for this mod, since I use spect radar for prefiring ^_^.
Harvo you mean the admin ESP? it would only work if your dead/ spectating. Lol otherwise admins would cheat! But matt says this plugin uses a feature that KAC would ban for.
xFerior Wrote:Harvo you mean the admin ESP? it would only work if your dead/ spectating. Lol otherwise admins would cheat! But matt says this plugin uses a feature that KAC would ban for.

Didn't think I hinted i was talking about admin esp. I was talkin about the last plugin message for seeing walling. Which is easily done now, except if it was on war3. Other then that don't really need that plugin.
When i said spect radar, SPECTING THE PLAYER and using the radar(If it appears) and see if they see him.
Лучше не надо включать voteban потому что для нубов все хакеры и получается банить будут всех подряд, а вот votekick предлагаю включить... и еще хватит говорить русские русские я вообщет тож английски не понимаю, а насчет WillHack я согласен админ должен видеть в спектре сквозь стены чтоб вычеслить мошенника а то играть не интересно ( мною было забанино около 12 человек Русских хакеров и 2 американца Smile  Tongue


Better not include voteban because for all the hackers and newbies get ban will be all in a row, but votekick propose that ... and still have enough to speak Russian Russian voobscheto I do not understand English identity, and about WillHack I agree admin should see a spectrum through the walls so that vycheslit fraudster and then did not play interesting (I had about 12 people zabanino Russian hackers, and 2 American
xFerior Wrote:Harvo you mean the admin ESP? it would only work if your dead/ spectating. Lol otherwise admins would cheat! But matt says this plugin uses a feature that KAC would ban for.
He was probably talking about sv_cheats which KAC checks for.

`Russia fickle(26reg) Wrote:Лучше не надо включать voteban потому что для нубов все хакеры и получается банить будут всех подряд, а вот votekick предлагаю включить... и еще хватит говорить русские русские я вообщет тож английски не понимаю, а насчет WillHack я согласен админ должен видеть в спектре сквозь стены чтоб вычеслить мошенника а то играть не интересно ( мною было забанино около 12 человек Русских хакеров и 2 американца Smile ) Tongue
Yeah, voteban shouldn't ever be added because newbies will try to ban everyone who kills them. I will see about getting a plugin like admin esp which lets admins see models through the wall.
K good. Would you be able to make one M. Bison?
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