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Full Version: Unban me please
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NameBig GrinarkOfDeath
Steam ID:38649708
ServerSadwl) Mini Games
So i was playing mini games and i decided to bhop around. I got some kills and died a couple of times. After that i was bhoping around in a circle and i was gaining some speed. I charged at the enemy, stoped, shot two rounds and then died. 5 seconds later i got banned for cheating.
I suspect you were banned for the use of a bhop script cheat. Wait for a root admin to respond, though I doubt this ban will be lifted.
I Didnt use a Bhop cheat
I see very little reason to doubt the legitimacy of the ban. You appear to have been running a 3rd party cheat/program.

What map did this ban occur on? What weapon were you using?
Is changing the Jump key to a different key and start using that key cheating?
How did you have your jump key configured?
Map was warmcup and the weapon was a glock i think

Double post

mwheel down
How were you using it? spamming the mousewheel?
No i mwheel down when im about to touch the groud
What do you have fps_max configured at?
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