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It's not a 100% positive but I have heard word of the possibility of a wcs server being setup. I am here to ask you, how would you like the server setup? You have multiple options.

1. Team Based Strategy WCS - Practically T's and CT's have separate races to assist them in doing objectives and winning the game. No race will be used on both teams and it will be solely based on the ability of the player to whether the map is in their favor or not.

2. Free For All Strategy WCS - Practically all races are available once the correct level is obtained, and is capable of use by any player.

3. Map Based Strategy WCS - The server would run like a regular popular maps pub however each map has a different set of races in which to assist the T's and CT's in securing the objective.

4. Map Based Free For All Strategy WCS - Like option 2 all races would be used however it would still be run like a popular maps server where objectives are the goal.