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Full Version: mad admin banned me without reason
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I just got banned without reason and LDK TRENT FROM PUNCHY IS TRIES TO BAN ME TOO MANY TIMES! There are no more reason no more demo file AND TRENT SAID BATUK CALL ME NI*** FOR UR MAD ADMIN PTK and I NEVER USED N WORD AND I AM NOT BEING RACIST AFTER MY 1 MOUTH BAN If you dont believe it go to mini game server and ask about this Thanks.AND I JUST SAID MOVE UR ASS IS THIS RACISM?:confused:[/INDENT]
You were banned by pTk for "General douchebaggery and probably racism." Judging from your chat logs, you certainly do fulfill the first part. That alone validates your 1 day ban.
At least two other players complained that you were being racist on mic. From your past history, I have a hard time believing you were not being racist.

Also, coming in an insulting the admins with your appeal doesn't help you out at all. In fact, I would not be surprised if your ban length is increased.
Here are the details of your ban.
You were banned for "General Douchebaggery and Probably racism. Needs a timeout."

After your last [lengthy] ban, I think you've tried hard to avoid racism and I commend that.

but Trent was probably talking about a minor incident from two days ago:
9 Nov 2012 06:42:00 202 LDK Trent From Punchy your getting your dick knob raped
9 Nov 2012 06:42:10 037 MongoliaBatuk who nigga>
...but as mentioned racism wasn't the primary reason for your ban.
Hopefully PTK will elaborate on what he meant by "General Douchebaggery" so you know what to avoid in the future, but I think you'll have to sit this one out.

::edit:: lol only just saw linear's post... burr must learn to type faster ::edit::
this is i still remember there was a few guys talked shit and but i cant remember his name one guy used n word too many times like you nigga nigger gtfo nigga and its just a question yes i asked who is nigga for that racist guy and i just really want to say I NEVER USED N WORD AND BEING RACIST ON MIC. I JUST SAID MOVE UR ASS LOL
Yeah, I never thought to look further into the logs. Looks like a misunderstanding.

9 Nov 2012 06:30:53 270 L.G.Tz Rigg IM RIGG
9 Nov 2012 06:30:55 413 clintSouthwood hes nig
9 Nov 2012 06:39:36 29 ΕNERGYSHOCK WicKedSicKpRo® clint you nigga GTFO
9 Nov 2012 06:39:47 413 clintSouthwood i am no nigga
9 Nov 2012 06:39:56 22 asura'swrath YEA YOU ARE A NIGGA
9 Nov 2012 06:42:00 202 LDK Trent From Punchy your getting your dick knob raped
9 Nov 2012 06:42:10 37 Batuk who nigga>

Looks like Batuk was replying to asura, but the timing led Trent to take it personally.
Again, racism was not the primary reason for the ban though. Please wait till PTK can get on.
you guys have to check full logs before ban players and trent tries to ban me too many times

Double post

heey what is the primary reason?
"general douchebaggery" meaning he's saying that you were being a jerk/troll.

PS. No offense, but is english your second language?
yea are u talking about spamming the door
Just got home from work. Funny enough I instantly thought about increasing the length of the ban just as lin3ar said. I had a couple different people complain someone was being racist and trolling in the MG server so I quickly came online. Soon as I came online, Trent gave me away by saying BAN HIM PTK. I assume you then stopped mic spamming and being racist on the mic. You proceeded to say
Nov 11, 2012 12:47:22 am LOL DO U HAVE THE DEMO?
Which corroborates the witnesses testimonies on him being racist on the mic. I went through his chat records quickly and found him to be quite the troll. So i decided to hand out a one day "Timeout" ban for him to think about his actions. I sometimes use racist slurs in real life and everyday speech. But War-lords doesnt allow it, and I dont allow it, therefore I don't do it, and neither should anyone else. I tolerate small amounts and give people warnings, but when you do it after people ask you NOT to do it, B-B-B-B-B- BanHammer. If you personally promise ME that you wont be using racist slurs on purpose again, I'll have someone lift your ban so you can play right away. If you decide to be difficult, You can wait until 10:40 or w.e time it was that i banned you.

Any questions?
what is the primary reason?
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