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Full Version: Blocking on enemies? [CLOSED]
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I realized that I block when trying to pass through an enemy. Well, here's the thing, I would suggest it the way it was before because people are griefing with it. I got killed many times in the snipers servers by a guy who was camping right where the teleport brings players so the players get blocked on him and he can kill as many as he can. Please leave it as it was before.
We are working on getting more admins for the sniper server. Until such a time, Please record a demo and post it on forums for admin review. Thank you.
[Image: 5F106DE3910D2BE52879A94FAB1E5BBB3B30A1DC]
I'm not sure what you're trying to show here. Those two players appear to be allies so shouldn't be subject to blocking.
I believe that was him getting ready to block people.
I've swapped out the NoBlock for the same one used on MiniGames.