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Full Version: Needs Perma Mute
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Player: The Bear Jew
Server: Popular Maps #2
Evidence: Chat-Logs

This play constantly is using derogatory terms towards other players and is extremely offensive towards others. I asked him to stop multiple times earlier today and he kept on over the mic. I have a video of it if you need it as more evidence but his chat logs should be enough.
lol I can attest to this. He was trying to start something with me last night. Just ignore him and he leaves you alone.
No. I don't understand why people choose to just ignore those of the community that bash and hate on others. You may tell me to mute them but I shouldn't have to be subjugated to their racism, flippant, bashful, and hateful remarks in the first place. Nor should anyone else. This kid deserves no right to talk or type in the servers ever again. It's rude, disrespectful, and just plain offensive to anyone and everyone.
Not the first time he's been reported: http://war-lords.net/threads/racism-agai...ayers.9072