Deputy, I have a video of you spamming "James has vaginal aids" continuously. And in that video it shows that you use ctrl+c to copy content and ctrl+v to paste it. So you can spam all you want. You were justly silenced and quite frankly I am glad. You show little to no respect towards others and it's agitating to hear you speak. I have no problem with gonffs talk nor any other children in the server. You are annoying plain and simple. Silence should remain.
James`, post: 80166, member: 15260 Wrote:Deputy, I have a video of you spamming "James has vaginal aids" continuously. And in that video it shows that you use ctrl+c to copy content and ctrl+v to paste it. So you can spam all you want. You were justly silenced and quite frankly I am glad. You show little to no respect towards others and it's agitating to hear you speak. I have no problem with gonffs talk nor any other children in the server. You are annoying plain and simple. Silence should remain.
Well James...somtimes (b4 this incident) you were very mean to me too (I apoligize for spamming "James has vaginal aids") i was just caught up in the moment beacuse you and narnia were fighting and i was on narnias side. Again i didnt think it would effect you that much...Narnia was practicly doing the same thing. I just want a second chance. I really didnt think people you meet over the internet would listen to me in that way.
Thank you and i again apoligize. If you want me off the mic then fine. But i would at least like to type
The gag portion of your silence will be lifted. I will monitor your logs for a couple of days and reissue the gag upon seeing any questionable chat. The mute, however, shall remain indefinitely until there is reason to remove it.