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Full Version: Admin Application
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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15880284
Timezone:Eastern Time
Mon-4pm to 10pm
tues-4pm to 10pm
wed-4pm to 10pm
thurs- 4pm to 10pm
fri-5pm to 12am
sat and sun-12pm to 12am
located: toronto canada
I have played wL server for a long time. CSS is a apart of my daily routine. The reason I want to apply to be an admin. is to have more security in the server. Its difficult for everyone play due to the people abusing the server, and we just dont have enough admin. to discipline these troublemakers. thank you for your time....
Good Luck
ty sir
You're 31. What are you working as?
im a tattoo artist. im been doing that for 13 years now
How long have you been playing CS:S?
The first time I played CS 1.3 was way back in 2003, but it was on and off because my job is unstable that time, which was an on and off oncall job. Then in 2007 that is when I was able to fully play CSS because my job was finally stable in Toronto....