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Full Version: Action against Reading Rambo
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The guy was throwing the word nigger and calling himself the only non-nigger on the server, etc etc.

Can you please look into it? He was playing on the 24x7 De_dust server just a while back
Whats his steamid? His name? Any proof chatlogs maybe a demo?
hnarsana you need to use a format like I had in the one against the duke.

Name: Playerinfo with link to profile.
Server: The server in which it took place in.
Proof: Evidential proof to either chat logs by the player or demos you have recorded.

Please use the format above otherwise people will begin to close your threads for no evidence or anything to tell us who the play is.

Double post

Name: Reading Rambo
Server:24/7 Dust 2
Proof: ChatLogs

The admins don't have time to go through everyone's chat logs to find these people that is why you need to provide more information than the subtle non informative posts you've been giving. Here is the player, his page, the server he was being offensive on, and his chat logs to back up the information provided. You're welcome.
This is him http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/685012

Thanks for your report, I banned him for 24 hours.
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 80377, member: 9168 Wrote:You all are so smart admin wanna-bes that none of you was able to go to 24/7 d2 server gameme profile and type N word in the chat search. This is him http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/685012

Thanks for your report, I banned him for 24 hours.

I just want to put my two cents in and say no one is attempting to be a wanna-be admin. I swear the garbage you type up is getting ridiculous. Tuna and I were explaining to the person that they need to provide the name, steam id, server the altercation took place in, and evidence to further assist those admins that actually look into stuff like this to make it easier for them. This person has on multiple occasions not provided the information that I had just named off. Quite frankly the comment you had so thoughtfully typed for us is just insulting. How bout you just tell us he's banned and the conflict has been resolved. Back handed comments aren't appreciated asshole.

Double post

OH, and if this is some kind of joke it isn't funny. You have no right to be an ass to players who are only trying to assist in bettering the community.
If Ruplayer could be warned, he'd have so many points, he couldn't post.

Edited his post.
Eternal, post: 80379, member: 478 Wrote:If Ruplayer could be warned, he'd have so many points, he couldn't post.

Edited his post.
Why don't you remove the post above then?

Only reporting parties and admins handling reports can post in this section, there is no third. A bunch of admin wanna-bes post here and make me read trough a lot of useless posts before I get to the actual report. Please don't remove THIS* part of my post and clean this thread the way you have to. If you remove this, you would be dealing with Bison.