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name: cL
steam id 0:0:15308134
all warlords server

hi guys my name is mike. ever since ive moved to guam i have pretty much been playing your servers. mainly due to the time difference and at the time which i play (pretty late). not to mention the variety of great servers you folks offer. well that being said, obviously i am here to state my case to be unbanned. which i understand but is unjust. first off id like to start by saying i have been playing cs when it was half life. yes im that old. anyways, i have NEVER cheated, hacked or what have you in any type of game nor have i even fathomed to look for or download any. so the main reason for me being banned was due to the admin thinking that i speed hack. like i said, completely understandable. the reason for this is that when i am on my desktop for long periods of time it starts to lag skip. its kinda hard to explain but i have told this to numerous players while i was in the server. admins have told me to lower my rates which i have done word for word. this still hasnt helped my situation as my model continues to run fast and skips. the only remedy i know is to restart my cpu which also sux because this takes another process of about ten minutes (total time including cs start up). so this is the reason why the admin who banned me thought i speed hacked. you can check my past record that i have never hacked nor have i even attempted to download a hack. i know i should just restart my computer everytime it starts to lag/speed up my model but sometimes im just too lazy. and at the time i play if i turn off my comp id rather just go to bed. anyways i hope the powers to be here understand what im going thru because frankly playing other servers dont really compare. i really hope there was another case like mines so you and your staff dont think im pulling a fast one. because, and TRUST me when i say this. I HATE PPL WHO HACK, HAVE PREVIOUSLY HACKED, or EVEN THINK ABOUT HACKING. and once a hacker always a hacker.

thnks for your consideration,
Mike aka cL
Sourcebans: http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.ph...34&Submit=
Looks like real bad lag, if it is. Wait for the Spartacus or a root/sr to respond.
i wouldnt really consider it lag. my ping is a steady 140-150. which i cant do any better considering where im located. its more of a computer problem. i have already lowered my settings to the minimal possible in the video advanced section on gaming options. or else it would be difficult to play. and yes i know i should just get new comp but i really dont want to shell out $800-$1000 cause all i really need it for is paying bills/financial stuff and playing some source. anyways thnx for your quick reply regardless of the decision made.
Riser, post: 80392, member: 992 Wrote:Sourcebans: http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:15308134&Submit=
Looks like real bad lag, if it is. Wait for the Spartacus or a root/sr to respond.
http://war-lords.net/threads/ban-appeal-highcrimes-approved.8242/#post-71489 - to help with a previous case. so "maybe" it was his computer
mike lee, post: 80394, member: 15730 Wrote:i wouldnt really consider it lag. my ping is a steady 140-150. which i cant do any better considering where im located. its more of a computer problem. i have already lowered my settings to the minimal possible in the video advanced section on gaming options. or else it would be difficult to play. and yes i know i should just get new comp but i really dont want to shell out $800-$1000 cause all i really need it for is paying bills/financial stuff and playing some source. anyways thnx for your quick reply regardless of the decision made.

I'm the one responsible for banning you. Thanks for the calm ban appeal. Anyway

From my perspective, you were moving faster than usual. It did not seem that it was due to lag or regular skipping that we normally see from improper rates. I'm going to wait for a root or another admin's perspective before unbanning you.

Btw, why did you choose to make this ban appeal a month later?
I was the one who reported you.

Spartacus, post: 80444, member: 1060 Wrote:Btw, why did you choose to make this ban appeal a month later?
Good question. Also, after the ban you tried to connect once or twice (I dont remember how many times) to the server. Why would you appeal now?

Riser, post: 80392, member: 992 Wrote:Looks like real bad lag, if it is. Wait for the Spartacus or a root/sr to respond.
If it was a real bad lag, he would skip or get stuck in a place for a while, no get in places faster.
well honestly i was a little disappointed that i was banned without anyone telling me i was running faster or giving me a warning. which then i wouldve either restarted my cpu or just went to bed. and i did try to appeal after a day or two but failed because i didnt know how to find my steam id. pretty much gave up after that since i have been playing 2 other servers. and yes i tried to log in a few times. i still have all warlords server on my favs list so once in awhile i try to log in. i will probably do it again right after this post lol. and it was more than once or twice. im thinking more closerer to ten. but i dont see what the harm is or insinuation on that would be? and i have no answer on why my spec mode it was just running fast and not lagging but on mine it did and still does. anyways i also have a lot on my plate past few months so i let it drag out this long. which i wont apologize for. but even if i dont get my appeal i still would like to thank riser n spart for being professional about it. me not getting unbanned might be a good thing for me. change up my routine of coming home from long days work and sitting in front of a game like a zombie or get that new desk top ive been putting off doing. either way out come would be ok.
mike lee, post: 80485, member: 15730 Wrote:well honestly i was a little disappointed that i was banned without anyone telling me i was running faster or giving me a warning.
I told something similar like this "How do you run so fast?" and no answer given. I'm just not trusting on it.
i really doubt you mentioned anything. but if you did and i did not respond i obviously did not hear it. anyways like i said either way i completely understand the decision. and to be quite honest, i knew it was starting to lag skip but i did nothing about it. so i guess by knowing what was going on and not restarting my computer or just shutting it down, it was a form of cheating.

so hopefully when i do buy that new desk top (one of these days), i will also repurchase source but will still use the same name "cL" and i hope i do not get banned for being myself.

btw thnx to all who "really" considered my situation instead of thinking automatically that this was a hacking case. oh and i also forgot to thnk that guy who posted the link about similar problem. much thnx to you buddy. really nice to hear from positive non conspiracy ppl Smile
Quote:7. Do not respond to other ban appeals unless you've been given prior permission or have something valuable to contribute.*

FYI you are discussing your appeal with a non-admin.
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