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take cs_paintball off minigames sever its not a minigame
But... the map is very mini and me very likey.
There could be loooooong discussions about what map is (or is not) a minigame. Although I do not like it (mostly because of awp / autosnipe usage) I don't believe it should be removed. Lots of people enjoy playing it.

Like Izzie says:
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 80481, member: 9457 Wrote:But... the map is very mini and me very likey.
Then he pulls out his awp, and I hs him with my ak. True story.
This map is actually liked by alot of players.. If we took it out we would probably lose players.
This guy is just mad I kill him with my awp every time we play paintball.
This map will not be removed due to its popularity. Sorry.
Stop trying to go undercover, R, swifty(someshitlikethat), donkey kong. How long are you gonna continue thisssss?
hell No this is my favourite map. Cant wait to play it in Christmas Tongue
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