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Long ago i was getting ping around 300
But these days, WL is getting lag as unexpected...:oops:
Maybe i should stop playing here...Sad

Double post

Raptor@, post: 80496, member: 1612 Wrote:Long ago i was getting ping around 300
But these days, WL is getting lag as unexpected...:oops:
Maybe i should stop playing here...Sad

Sounds like a personal problem with your internet provider. My ping's been the same for the last year and a half.
Ruplayer your an asshole. But I agree with you. Raptor your stupidity linked with a great amount of shittiness is the reason for your lag. There are a magnitude of things you could be doing to fix your lag besides coming to the mods and admins and bitching about the servers. Get a new pc, upgrade some hardware, defrag your computer of all that tranny porn, get a new internet provider, or take a long walk off a short pier. Pick one and shut up.
[Image: C9aUd.gif]
The server is pinging 300ms to you

traceroute to 41.*.86.*125 (41.*.86.*), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1  142-4-63-225.static.webnx.com (  0.301 ms  0.373 ms  0.437 ms
2  100-42-223-193.static.webnx.com (  0.585 ms  0.731 ms  0.856 ms
3  100-42-223-141.static.webnx.com (  0.567 ms  0.780 ms  0.894 ms
4  te0-0-0-14.209.ccr21.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com (  0.940 ms  1.119 ms  1.199 ms
5 (  0.827 ms  0.925 ms te0-2-0-7.mpd22.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com (  0.687 ms
6 (  182.202 ms  182.289 ms  182.128 ms
7  * * *
8 (  308.221 ms  307.768 ms  307.767 ms
9  tengig4-4-ph.telecomplus.net (  307.038 ms  306.807 ms  306.699 ms
10 (  315.986 ms  315.984 ms  316.022 ms
Matt, post: 80568, member: 178 Wrote:The server is pinging 300ms to you

traceroute to 41.*.86.*125 (41.*.86.*), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1  142-4-63-225.static.webnx.com (  0.301 ms  0.373 ms  0.437 ms
2  100-42-223-193.static.webnx.com (  0.585 ms  0.731 ms  0.856 ms
3  100-42-223-141.static.webnx.com (  0.567 ms  0.780 ms  0.894 ms
4  te0-0-0-14.209.ccr21.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com (  0.940 ms  1.119 ms  1.199 ms
5 (  0.827 ms  0.925 ms te0-2-0-7.mpd22.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com (  0.687 ms
6 (  182.202 ms  182.289 ms  182.128 ms
7  * * *
8 (  308.221 ms  307.768 ms  307.767 ms
9  tengig4-4-ph.telecomplus.net (  307.038 ms  306.807 ms  306.699 ms
10 (  315.986 ms  315.984 ms  316.022 ms
In January i was getting ping like 300 - 320.
But recently my ping just shoots up since server was moved or relocated....
This might be to your new box of server
I noticed that everyone ping just increased all of a sudden...
Sleepy ping was 45 now is 70
csasper ping increased by 25
major payne increased by 40
mine increased by 100 - 150
All that i would say is that i will become less active on awp server and have some nice holidays coming in 3 weeks timeRolleyes
As you know i live in Mauritius
A country far apart nearly invisible on the map
We don't have much ISP here
But I use ADSL 1MBPS which is pretty good
I get ping around 75 in my country
But people play cs 1.6 rather than cs source here...:oops:
It is time to have a nation revolution in your country! Replace your leaders and get them to install fiber in everyones home! Viva La Revolution, viva la tequila!
cucubelu, post: 80591, member: 15378 Wrote:It is time to have a nation revolution in your country! Replace your leaders and get them to install fiber in everyones home! Viva La Revolution, viva la tequila!
We have optical fiber at our place dude...Big Grin