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This was the accused inappropriate content I assume.

James`, post: 80555, member: 15260 Wrote:Didn't provide the server nor the game DUDE. Get it straight. If your an admin you should know the format for reporting someone.

This is the message I got...

Mr. Tea Wrote:James`,

Your message (wall hackin Droop) contains inappropriate content. Please do not discuss content of this nature on our site. This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.

Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.

So me correcting an admin about facts is inappropriate content? Me telling him, (someone who on a constant basis corrects others and accuses them of doing things with no context), that he should know the format for reporting someone is inappropriate? Seriously? And I am assuming that me posting this thread to defend myself in a case that is completely one sided due to the fact in regards that he is an admin makes it inappropriate. I love how you two run this show. Because quite frankly it's amusing to watch when you THINK you can shove your title in my face and hope I give two shits.

I have read the terms and rules of this community and forums. Show me in a context where this actually is inappropriate content.


To further support my case here is a thread in which Mr. Tea, with no forewarning came into my admin app and started shit for no reason considering I had already apologized to lin3ar. a month before hand.

Evidence against Mr. Tea:

I had edited out the conversation I had with lin3ar due to my blatant disrespect to him, feeling I shouldn't of taken the opposition with him in the first place. Like I said, I had already apologized whether he remembers or not.

Evidence against Dr. Ruplayer:
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 80553, member: 9168 Wrote:I see no problem there. Steam id is there, link to a demo is there. You can draw a dick next to his Steam ID to make DK and James happy, but it's good enough as it is right now and admins can work with this. I will watch it when I get home.

http://www.war-lords.net/threads/action-...post-80383 - Which shows him editing a post after I called him on how blatantly offensive it was.

http://www.war-lords.net/threads/dr-rupl...oved.9162/ - This one is great. It just shows how little of a fuck ruplayer actually cares about the players in the community. Also a great point to be made about how ceddeeoo is following me trying to paint a large target on my back that I already have.... Nice.

Dr. Ruplayer, post: 80029, member: 9168 Wrote:I'm glad I motivate you for rage implementation of dislike button on forums.

Not something to be proud of when your an administrating force in the community...

http://www.war-lords.net/threads/admin-a...post-79971 - This is where all this shit started. And why ruplayer has a vengeance out for me.
Moved. Anyway, James i suggest to calm down and PM Tea personally.

Too much drama when it is out in the open, nomsayin'...
I just think people deserve to see it. Like I've said before I don't fight for something unless I completely believe I am in the right ya'know? I think conflicts like these should continue taking place but to people who actually deserve it. Thank you Spartacus and I apologize. I just feel a little targeted for trying to help :/
I pm'ed you inappropriate comment because as you see in that post Remix told you to stop posting; you continued; instead of further instigating i sent you a warning which does nothing to you, but privately tells you STOP. The post in question was a troll an admin in a ban appeal after being told by another admin to stop posting there. If you were not there or do not having anything to contribute post someone where else in the forums. I didn't not post in the thread to further drag out your troll at ruplayer.

Please stay out of the ban abuse hack appeals unless you are involved or are actually contributing something. I can go and warn all the non-ban appeal related comments that you have posted there even after I continue to post rule #7. in that section. I come and check admin related forums daily and all i see are posts from you. Some are helpful, but most are not.

What you received was some automatic blurp. It was mainly telling you to stop in a private matter. I was trying to tell you to back off in a quick private matter. If you wanted to pm me I would have told the same thing. James you are not an admin; stop acting like one until you are one.
James`, post: 80623, member: 15260 Wrote:And I am assuming that me posting this thread to defend myself in a case that is completely one sided due to the fact in regards that he is an admin makes it inappropriate. I love how you two run this show. Because quite frankly it's amusing to watch when you THINK you can shove your title in my face and hope I give two shits.
I have read the terms and rules of this community and forums. Show me in a context where this actually is inappropriate content.

You were already told to stop posting in the thread by Remix. No admin attacked you in that thread, but then you had to come back and post. You were ignoring admins in an admin driven section plain and simple.

I find this quite humorous since I did not flame him in the ban appeal thread nor punish him for anything, but yet he feels wronged. My eyes feel wronged and singled out from all the wasted comments I had to read about drawn out comments in Ban Appeals/Hacker Abuse/Player Abuse from him.
If you did read the posts I had made I both included the format he should be using, which isn't just an opinion but a rule, but also my opinion on the accused which in any case I would assuming would be assisting because I have had years of game play and have seen almost every form of cheating thus my 100% conviction rate on those accused in which I report. I don't falsely accuse players of hacking because I am not better than them and never do I bring it to the forums. Each one of my posts was both informative and assisting.

My first post included my view of the demo and a side note to think hard to explain to him that all those players he has accused of hacking are people who are affected by his actions in a negative nature, in my second post of the thread I both back up my belief that there was nothing fishy going on in the video I had observed and to reaffirm him that I am credited with multiple bans towards actual players who did have cheating infractions, my third post I was a bit aggravated that he wasnt listening to any attempt I was trying make towards assisting him so I gave him some suggestions and left it at that.

Remix told me to stop so I had and apologized. I do what respectful admins tell me to do. Remix can be a turd at times but I know when he tells me to do something I do it. So I stopped. You than have ruplayer enter with some comment:
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 80553, member: 9168 Wrote:I see no problem there. Steam id is there, link to a demo is there. You can draw a dick next to his Steam ID to make DK and James happy, but it's good enough as it is right now and admins can work with this. I will watch it when I get home.

That whole line about drawing a dick next to his name was ABSOLUTELY uncalled for. He had no right to say it and it was rude and offensive. The first two lines of my last post in that thread were a slant I admit to deject the situation but the third and final line was as true a statement as any. He is an admin, however I would like to edit here. He shouldn't JUST know the reporting format but he should also be enforcing it as well. I'm going to give you both a heads up, you're not the only 2 admins in the community. You're not the only 2 admins that check the forums. But you both sure as shit hold the least respect for players.
No idea how you take that so harshly. You were told not to post. You then posted trolling an admin. Pretty simple.

Again...You are not an admin.
Oh my god dude, just reread that "wall hack Droop" thread, James. Compare your response to the response given by the admins to the original post.

You had to write a whole bunch of garbage, replicate the information the original poster provided for no real reason whatsoever, teach the OP about how "Just because [the hacker] kills people doesn't mean he hacks nor that he is any good." (WORDS OF WISDOM), then you bitch about how no one replies to your posts with an internet meme to spice things up and then finally reply to remix AND ruplayer when remix made it clear you should have stopped posting.

The admins' responses, on the other hand, were completely straightforward and to the point, moving the case along. All you did in that thread James was slow down the reviewing process and derail the thread. Ru's post was not uncalled for IMO.
Mr.Tea, post: 80685, member: 1006 Wrote:No idea how you take that so harshly. You were told not to post. You then posted trolling an admin. Pretty simple.

Again...You are not an admin.

I love how you disregard the entire post except that one little portion Mr. Tea. I don't give a fuck if I am NOT an admin. It doesn't give you nor ruplayer any right to treat me any less than anyone else in the community. Nor does it give you or him the right to treat people like shit. Ceddeeoo your completely biased opinion of me holds no ground. I honestly don't know why you have such a problem with me specifically considering you started shit with me in the first place so I am just gonna blow right past yah bud. I am gonna wait until someone with an opinion I fucking consider to be acceptable shows up because Ruplayer, Tea, and Ceddeeoo y'all have lost it for me. You guys flaunt about like you're fuckin big shots and assume you run this place. I am here to give you kids a wake-up call. You aren't the only ones in the community and you surely aren't the ones who provide us with an enjoyable in game experience.
Actually being an admin gives me the right to tell you to stop posting excessively in the admin portions of the forums. Me warning you privately is treating you like a piece of shit? Pretty sure it is the exact opposite.

Again STOP trolling admins in these sections. This is an admin abuse case. You have stated your side. I stated mine. Continue to TROLL admins in this thread and you will get punished. Plain and simple.
Mr.Tea, post: 80690, member: 1006 Wrote:Actually being an admin gives me the right to tell you to stop posting excessively in the admin portions of the forums. Me warning you privately is treating you like a piece of shit? Pretty sure it is the exact opposite.

Again STOP trolling admins in these sections. This is an admin abuse case. You have stated your side. I stated mine. Continue to TROLL admins in this thread and you will get punished. Plain and simple.

Whoa it's almost like it says home>forums>COMMUNITY>Hacking/Abuse/Server Reports. That is SO odd. Wouldn't admin portions of the forums be only accessible to admins? That is so strange how these things work.
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