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Full Version: I've had it with this...
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I've seen him do that yesterday, its just his gameplay. Don't think he was doing it to block you.
Ah, i see, so its isn't just me. Well then sorry falcon.
i dont see anything wrong with the demos , meaning there is nothing in there to suggest that he is wantedly doing it to annoy u ( although that wud be cool just to see u get ur panties in a bunch :p) . its his game play , and for what its worth when there is an awper in the pit , i wud tag along just to get frags after the awper hits some on the leg and does like 80 damage . or a good hits on a guy with 110 + health . cheers

PS : I really really wish david implements an anti camp plugin on the dm server . one that does not just give away the location , one that actually burns or slays
I saw chets on those demos!
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