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Name : Adium/m/


[SIZE=11px]Ive seen a number of people accuse him of hacking on the dm, Bison was there one time as well, i told him at the time i didn't see how he was hacking, or how his score could be hax. However i've noticed the last times he played he always starts off by going like 15 and 3, 40 and 10, (without using an awp mind you), and then for some reason plays really shitty afterward. At some points he'll make like 4 one deags in a row without flinching and than for some reason misses like every shot against the next guy eventhough the guy could be standing totally still with an Ak.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]I have a demo, and i saw at least 2 instances where in first person of him, he clearly could not see around the corner but shot anyway and there just happened to be an enemy there.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]I don't mind if this doesn't prove anything, but if anything this will shut up or prove, the people who've been acussing him of hacking. When more than 2 people call you a hacker IMO it seems worth looking into. If he really isn't hacking, well at least now it will be pretty clear. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]I feel he could be toggling, but i'm not a haxology expert.[/SIZE]
Only suspicious part was when he awped the guy through that box, teammate died there. Would've been a guess.
Yeah, i don't think hes a hacker, but multiple people keep accusing of hacking so i thought i'd demo him to silence the critics.