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Full Version: thavs's ASIA SERVERS/24/7 wl-office server admin application
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Name: thavs
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:52344603
Age: 18
Timezone: (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Availability: 4-5 hours everyday and anytime.
Tell us something about yourself: I am from India. I am a student. I am playing CSS for about 2 years now. I was non-steam. I joined steam in 8 June 2012. And all this time I played in WL servers. I am regular at WL. Now i play in scrims, pop maps, deathmatch, zombie reloaded and a little time in minigames. Now i am almost known to all regular WL players. I am a big fan of Wl. I am really thankful to Wl for providing such kind of servers!! War-Lords will surely be a GAMING SUPER-POWER!
Reason For Admin Application: When you guys made WL ASIA servers, I saw 95% of the players are Indian guys over there! And they were all talking in Hindi(National Language of India). So you all surely need an Indian guy to control them and check their language. I know Manky and ARYA is there, but still 2 admins are not enough in all the ASIA servers. ARYA never joins WL ASIA servers. I promise, I will be a good admin - friendly to all but strict to cheaters/hackers, spammers, campers, afks and abusers. If you dudes want to try me, give me a chance to admin the office server, atleast. I promise, I will be one of the reputable guys who will make Wl a GAMING SUPER-POWER! Till then Game On in WL.
With Regards, thavs
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Should of read the guidelines. I says "5 days of gameplayed." You don't meet the time required.

I know....marcos......i was non steam....i recently joined steam......
Well, as i tell most people who try to apply, Good Luck and best wishes Big Grin hehe also i have a little bit of control on asian servers of WL too just sayin' so make that more than 2 XD

i like u guys so much......Rolleyes
Good Luck!
good luck man!
Gud luck.. and focus in ur study..=)
Good luck!
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