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Full Version: Unban request!
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Hello guys...

My name was and still is JaskoKing [BiH]
I used to play on War-Lords servers, but I was banned some time ago...

I didn't do anything about it, since I knew I should not do that... Not I want to start all over and I'm begging for unban. If anything can be done, I would appreciate it!

Regards, JaskoKing
kudos on the fact that u admitted to hacking up front . just to be clear here is the demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?p9x4eabda6dm0l7

I leave it to the root admins to decide on the course of action if any .

PS : for the luv of god post ur steam ids when u are appealing a ban , any way its STEAM_0:0:1193722572


There's little reason to believe you won't cheat again. You cheated over the course of several weeks.

If you'd like to play here again, purchase CS:S on steam.