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Full Version: You guys made a mistake
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I'm looking at the "Java // Javascript Programming" board under Development category and the word Javascript should be taken out because I think you just mean Java, so Javascript should be moved to the board under it.(tsk tsk, xhtml isn't very important for website programming, sql is more)
I think Canister did it like that because they both started in Java even though they are completely unrelated things.
yea, you gotta remember that canister is an idiot
ooo thatws harsh
Although I understand your point that javascript and java are not directly related, it is still a turing complete language and could easily be correctly placed as is.
Leaky Wrote:yea, you gotta remember that canister is an idiot

lmao Smile
naive Wrote:Although I understand your point that javascript and java are not directly related, it is still a turing complete language and could easily be correctly placed as is.

java and javascript are entirely different and unrelated languages. java and javascript also have very different syntax and coding conventions. the only real similarity between them is they have Java in the name and they prefer to use CamelCase naming conventions.

javascript's language syntax is based off of C and is a dialect of ECMAScript while java is just crap
wat ever leaky said was prolly right lol
Lol ya it is.
o well another topic bites the dust
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