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Full Version: ZombieReloaded [Maps] [RESOLVED]
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Awesome, as an experienced player on the ZM server I'd like to see all of those maps on the server Wink , they all look pretty good!. Except the last one ( http://gamebanana.com/csszm/maps/171491 ), I dont like the style of that map, too big. I hope this maps can be added now that the server is having a lot of activity. Smile
I played the map years ago but it still makes me impressive because of its background music. There is a VIP room I tried hard to enter but in vain. It seems needed to collect some secret items and correct password to get in.
wow i like this maps , yea really zm server needs new maps , they are too over used , and as a experieced zm server player i like this maps to be on the server.
Long time we play the same maps over and over again, and now everyone knows where are the good places to camp. We certainly need new maps and even eliminate some other maps that just don't work for the Zombie Mod gameplay...

Double post

So the maps are going to be added up, my question is, when?. Hope some guy from (wl) crew take a look at this......
Added maps.