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Full Version: Banned :(
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Hello! Good day Admins. I've been playing in your severs since 2 months and its very exciting to play in your servers. I really enjoy playing in your servers.
Today at morning one of my friend gave me a cheat engine , i just installed it and i don't know what happened i was banned from all the servers.
i dint even now what that cheat engine was.
but , it was showing green and red bars and boxes all over the map when i start the game, after 5-6seconds i was disconnected and was banned.

Please i request you to unban me from the servers.
Name : Assasin
My steam id:

The fact that you knew it was a cheat engine and installed it means you were fully aware of what you were doing. Cheating on our servers is not tolerated and will result in a permanent ban. Buy a new copy of CSS and then talk to a root admin if you would like to play on our servers again.
Please it was my first time you can check my stats, it will not repeat again, please.
Assassinxx, post: 84274, member: 16611 Wrote:Hello! Good day Admins. I've been playing in your severs since 2 months and its very exciting to play in your servers. I really enjoy playing in your servers.
Today at morning one of my friend gave me a cheat engine , i just installed it and i don't know what happened i was banned from all the servers.
i dint even now what that cheat engine was.
but , it was showing green and red bars and boxes all over the map when i start the game, after 5-6seconds i was disconnected and was banned.

Please i request you to unban me from the servers.
Name : Assasin
My steam id:

The word cheat in it must have given you some clue.
yes but i really though it might increase my points or some thing like that as my friend did'nt said me anything about that.
please reconsider my appeal Sad
I think the only reason you're sorry is because you got caught. Lets just say if you didn't get caught by our anti-cheat software, you'd still be using it right now, right?
Nope Sad i was just installed it as i am a noob started playing game just couple of months go. Please lift the ban , i will not install any softwares from next time .

Double post

Please unban me first and last time Sad