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Full Version: Request To Get UnBanned
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[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]FLy1nRabBit[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE]STEAM_0:1:39355314
[SIZE=12px]Server: [/SIZE][SIZE=10px](wL) 24/7 Office :: WAR-LORDS.NET[/SIZE]

Alright well, today when I went to school, I decided to bring my laptop and play some CS:S on my spare time. I got into the server and I got the message that I was banned, at first I thought perhaps it was the school's network blocking it. But after I got home I noticed I was still banned. It says I evaded ban, when I don't even remember being told that I was gonna get banned. I haven't broken any rules, I'm sure. It also says I was banned twice. Odd.
Well I hope we can get this cleared up, this is one of my favorite servers. Oh and if it helps in anyway, I do have an HD skin pack, for the player models, felt like I should throw that in there :3

It probably was a false positive, let Bison see this and he'll have a look at it.
Seems like a false positive to me. Wait for a root admin to address your issue.